What you can do on MasterConnect
Browse the Product Catalog
- Search by product description or part number
- Ability to Cross Reference most Maska and Browning Part Numbers
- Line Item Add
- Order Pad
- Suggested Items also used: associated products (bushings, belts...)
Get Pricing
- Item Details: dimensional data, alternate warehouse, items also used, create shopping list, add to wish list to accumulate order to get to $1500.00=FREE FREIGHT
- Pricing that is displayed is your Current Price.
Check product availability at default warehouse and Nationally
Make and Save Quotes/Project Lists
Place Orders
- Add or find ship-to's as well as Special Notes
- Check part History
- Ability to initiate a purchase order, save it, return to it later and complete the order
- Monitoring shipments and providing customers with the most up to date tracking information will be easily available
Accounts Payable
- Provide prompt delivery of invoices to accounts payable
- Allow your billing department to see freight charges the next business day so billing your customer is quicker
- Account summaries including MTD and YTD purchases
- Open order values
- Invoice Status/Open and Paid Invoices
- Use less paper and be more environmentally friendly
Please email all questions to mconnect@solveindustrial.com
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